
Disable county automation per object

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Disable county automation per object

Disable county automation per object

You can enable or disable county automation for specific objects (Account, Contact, and Lead) using the custom setting “Activate County Population”, which is part of the package. This custom setting includes three flags—“Populate Account”, “Populate Contact”, and “Populate Lead”—which allow you to control county population automation based on your preferences for each object. In this guide, we’ll show you how to use these flags to configure and manage county automation per object.

Step 1: Verify the “Activate County Population” Custom Setting

Before you start configuring the flags, ensure the “Activate County Population” custom setting is available in your Salesforce instance.

  1. Navigate to Custom Settings:

    • Go to Setup by clicking the gear icon in the top-right corner and selecting Setup.
    • In the Quick Find box, type Custom Settings and click on it.
  2. Find the “Activate County Population” Setting:

    • Locate and select the “Activate County Population” custom setting from the list of custom settings. If it’s part of the package, it should already be available in your org.
  3. Manage the Custom Setting:

    • Click on Manage to view the existing records for the custom setting. This is where you will see the flags for Populate Account, Populate Contact, and Populate Lead.

Step 2: Modify the Flags for County Automation

The “Activate County Population” custom setting contains three key flags that control the automation for different objects:

  • Populate Account: Controls whether county automation is applied to Account records.
  • Populate Contact: Controls whether county automation is applied to Contact records.
  • Populate Lead: Controls whether county automation is applied to Lead records.

To enable or disable county population for each object, follow these steps:

  1. Edit the Custom Setting Record:

    • Under the “Activate County Population” custom setting, click Edit next to the existing record.
    • If no records are listed, click New to create a new record and enter a name for the setting (e.g., “CountyPopulationSettings”).
  2. Adjust the Flags:

    • Populate Account: Check this box if you want county automation to run for Account records, or leave it unchecked if you don’t.
    • Populate Contact: Check this box if you want county automation to run for Contact records, or leave it unchecked if you don’t.
    • Populate Lead: Check this box if you want county automation to run for Lead records, or leave it unchecked if you don’t.

    Example settings:

    • Populate Account: Checked (enabled)
    • Populate Contact: Unchecked (disabled)
    • Populate Lead: Checked (enabled)
  3. Save the Record:

    • After adjusting the flags, click Save to apply your changes.

Step 3: What Happens When You Go to the Record

Now that the flags are configured, you will notice a change when you visit the records of the affected objects.

  • If the Flag is Enabled: If the checkbox for Populate Account, Populate Contact, or Populate Lead is checked, county automation will automatically populate the county field for those records based on the state and ZIP code.

  • If the Flag is Disabled: If the checkbox for any of these flags is unchecked, county automation will not run for that object. For example:

    • If Populate Contact is unchecked, county automation will not populate the county for any Contact records, even if the automation is triggered by a valid ZIP code or state.
    • Similarly, if Populate Account is unchecked, the county field for Accounts will remain empty and will not be updated automatically.

This allows you to control county automation on a per-object basis without needing to remove the functionality entirely. The automation logic will simply be bypassed for objects where the flag is disabled.


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