
Bulk update addresses with its county

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Bulk update addresses with its county

Bulk update addresses with its county

You can efficiently bulk update records in Salesforce by marking the update_county__c field as True to trigger county population automation. This method can be applied to thousands of records without any limits. Here’s how to do it step by step using Data Loader or Workbench.

Step 1: Export Records

To start, export the records that need to be updated. For example, if you’re updating Account records based on the Billing ZIP Code and Billing State, you will need to export those fields.

  1. Using Data Loader: Open Data Loader, select the Export option, and choose the Account object. Make sure to include the fields Billing ZIP Code, Billing State, and update_county__c. Save the file after the export is complete.

  2. Using Workbench: Log into Workbench, and perform a query to fetch the Account records. Make sure the fields Billing State, Billing ZIP Code, and update_county__c are included in the export. Save the file after running the query.

Step 2: Update the update_county__c Field to True

Once you have your exported CSV file:

  1. Open the CSV File: Open the file in Excel or a similar spreadsheet program.

  2. Update the update_county__c Field: Change the value in the update_county__c column to True for the records that need county population to be triggered. For example, you would set True for records with the correct Billing ZIP Code and Billing State.

  3. Save the File: After updating the records, save the updated CSV file.

Step 3: Import the Updated Data

Now, import the updated data back into Salesforce.

  1. Using Data Loader: Open Data Loader, choose the Update option, and select the Account object. Upload the updated CSV file and map the fields accordingly. Once the mapping is complete, run the update process and check the success and error logs to ensure that everything was updated properly.

  2. Using Workbench: In Workbench, select Data, then Update. Choose the Account object and upload the updated CSV file. Map the necessary fields and run the update. Review the logs to confirm the updates were successful.

Step 4: Verify the Update

After completing the import, go back to Salesforce and check the records. For example, confirm that the Account records now have the update_county__c field set to True. Once this is done, the county population automation will run based on the Billing ZIP Code and Billing State values, automatically filling in the county field.


By using Data Loader or Workbench, you can quickly and easily bulk update the update_county__c field for large volumes of records. Once updated, county population automation will trigger and automatically populate the county field based on the Billing ZIP Code and Billing State information. This approach ensures that your Salesforce records are up-to-date and accurate without having to manually update each one.


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